Import Data

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Introducing supported data sources

Koordinates supports a range of data sources, which can be used to add data to your Koordinates data service, ready for import. 

The sources supported by Koordinates are listed below. Note that Koordinates is able to add additional sources on request, via a statement of work.

PostgreSQL and PostGIS

A PostgreSQL database is an open source database system. With a network link, Koordinates is able to connect to designated PostgreSQL databases, search available data and identify data to make available for import on your site. For databases configured with PostGIS (an extension to PostgreSQL that supports geometry), we can also add geospatial data layers. 

Learn more about connecting to a PostGreSQL database.

CIFS network shares

A CIFS share is a protocol used to share information between users on a network. With a network link, Koordinates can connect to a CIFS share file system and scan for available data. 

Learn more about connecting to a CIFS network share.

ArcGIS server REST API

An ArcGIS server is a server for geospatial data and web services produced by Esri. With a query endpoint, Koordinates is able to scan and add data from public ArcGIS servers. We are also able to add data from ArcGIS servers that have a username and password.

Learn more about connecting to an ArcGIS server REST API.

Amazon S3 

Amazon S3 is a cloud storage service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). Koordinates supports two methods of data import from Amazon S3 buckets: the Web Console method for less experienced AWS users, and the CloudFormation Template method for more experienced AWS users. 

WFS services

WFS, or Web Feature Services, is an OGC standard web service for geospatial data. As with ArcGIS servers, with a query endpoint, Koordinates is able to scan and add data from public ArcGIS servers. We are also able to add data from ArcGIS servers that have a username and password.

Learn more about connect to a WFS service

The Sources API

The Koordinates Sources API enables publishers to manage and query their data sources, and can be used to script scheduled scans. To learn more, read our documentation on the Sources API.