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  3. QGIS Koordinates Plugin
  4. Installing Koordinates QGIS Plugin

Installing Koordinates QGIS Plugin

QGIS makes installing plugins easy, through the plugin manager.

This is the preferred method for installing the plugin, as future updates to the plugin will be managed and upgraded automatically. 

Find information regarding the Koordinates plugin.

Navigate to QGIS Plugins directory and search for Koordinates

A direct link to the plugin is available here

From here you can review information about the Plugin

Details such as the plugin homepage, bug tracker, logs.

and version history details.

Installing the Koordinates Plugin

1. From QGIS open the Plugin menu, and select Manage and Install Plugins.

2. From QGIS open the Plugin menu, and select Manage and Install Plugins.

3. Search & select Koordinates, and select Install Plugin

4. QGIS will run a check to ensure any dependencies are installed. 

Koordinates uses the Kart plugin. If it isn’t already installed, the plugin manager will install it.

5. Once installed, both plugins will appear under the Plugin menu.

Opening the plugin

To open the Koordinates plugin, navigate from the Plugins menu, to Koordinates, and Show Data Browser