Koordinates Desktop App - Beta Programme

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  3. Create a data repository branch

Create a data repository branch

After creating a data repository, you may want to create a branch. A branch will allow you to isolate any edits and changes you make locally, keeping them separate until they are ready to be reviewed and merged into the master data repository. 


Select a data repository

You'll find your data repositories listed on the left hand side of the Koordinates App. 


Click ellipses next to 'Master'

If the ellipses aren't immediately visible, move your cursor over 'Master'.


Select 'Create Branch'


Name your branch and click 'Create'

You can also choose to designate a 'Base branch' if you already have multiple branches in this data repository. This option will default to 'master.' 

Your new branch will now be available to use on the left-hand side of the data repository modal.