FME Plugin
FME (Feature Manipulation Engine), is a spatial ETL tool that transforms data from one type to another.
It can be used to automate workflows when publishing data layers, tables & documents into a Koordinates site using the Koordinates API.
To provide companies with the benefits of FME, Koordinates has created a Koordinates transformer, KoordinatesPublisher.
Note: to use the Koordinates FME transformer, you will need:
· FME Desktop
· a company Koordinates site and the permissions to publish data to.
Note: currently the Koordinates transformer will only upload new layers, and won’t update existing layers.
How to access and use the Koordinates Publisher FME
1. Search for the Koordinates transformer
From the FME Hub ( search for Koordinates
2. Download & install the .fmx file
Once downloaded, double clicking on the install file will automatically install and connect to your FME Desktop directory.
3. Open FME
The Koordinates transformer will be available in the ‘Transformers’ menu.
It will then load onto the WorkBench.
Alternative method for accessing Koordinates transformer.
In the FME Canvas, type Koordinates, and select under Custom Transformers.
Click on KoordinatesPublisher and it will be downloaded and installed.
4. Connect the Transformer to your workflows
5. Set connection parameters.
When you connect the transformer, you’ll need to set these parameters
Koordinates Domain - URL for your Koordinates site
Koordinates API Key - Your Koordinates API key (see How to create an API Key)
Koordinates Data Group - Select the Koordinates Group you wish the data to be assigned to.API Key Requirements:
The API Key used must have:
- Document Access
- Table and Layer Access
- Data Sources Access
To access the Group number:
This can be located by using the List Groups API (more information)
As a shortcut, navigate to the Group of interest, and refer to the URL.
6. Select the files to be added to the workflow.
Select the Layer or Table, and the associated Documentation to be uploaded.
1 file of each type can be uploaded at a time; however you can upload a zip folder containing multiple files.
The transformer currently supports the following geospatial types: OGC GeoPackage / SQLite (*.gpkg) - Geodatabase (*.gdb) - Shapefile (*.shp) - MapInfo MIF (*.mif) - Mapinfo TAB (*.tab) files.
Any document uploaded will be associated with the layer or table that is being uploaded at the same time.
Note: currently the Koordinates transformer will only upload new layers, and won’t update existing layers.
7. Run the FME workflow.
The transformer will run, and provide real-time updates on the progress.
If there are any errors, they will be listed here.
8. The layers will be imported and published to your Koordinates site.
9. Update details & layer access
While the details will be copied across, you may need to update the title, description and attach metadata for your file.
The transformer will only publish your layers privately, to make it available to your team or the public, you’ll need to navigate to the layer, and in Access update the settings
Edit Koordinates transformer
FME Developers are able to view and amend the FMX file within FME to suit their companies needs.
1. Open the Edit option within FME
Right click on the transformer within the FME WorkBench and select Edit.
The underlying processes of the transformer will then appear for review.
FME developers can use this to amend or tweak as required.