Raise a ticket with Koordinates Support
This feature is only supported for customers with Pro, Business or Enterprise support plans. For customers on standard Helpdesk support, please submit tickets by emailing support@koordinates.com.
Support tickets can be used to raise any issues, ranging from:
- technical issues
- billing enquiries
- new feature requests or updates
Note: Automatic support tickets are raised whenever a technical issue is identified by the system, and can be tracked from your account.
1. Select your Koordinates Profile

2. From the Top Menu, Select Help, then Support

3. Select Submit Support Ticket

From this screen, you can also view any historical tickets you've raised, or that have automatically been raised when an error has been detected by the Koordinates system.
4. Provide details of the issue.
You'll be asked to provide your email address, a subject, and a description of the error or issue you are raising.
Please be as specific as possible, including
- Date & Time
- System you are using (PC, Mac, etc.)
- The steps you took leading up to the error
- Any warnings or error messages you received
You will have the option to include attachments, these can be screenshots, datasets log files etc.

5. Click Submit
Your ticket will be allocated to your profile, and you will be able to track the progress of the ticket.
Koordinates Support Staff may contact you for more information or details if required, to help us fix the issue for you.