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Sets API

The Sets API can be used to make groups of layers, tables and documents.

Set list

GET /sets/
Lists sets

Returns a list of all the sets available to you.

This view shows all items within each set. If you don’t have permission to view an item within a set, its URL will still appear.

Response 200


Content-Type: application/json


    "id": 1, 
    "title": "My collection", 
    "description": "a collection of layers", 
    "description_html": "<p>a collection of layers</p>", 
    "categories": [], 
    "tags": [],
    "user": {
        "id": 3, 
        "name": "Bob Jones"
    "items": [
    "url": "https://{domain}/services/api/v1/sets/1/", 
    "url_html": "https://{domain}/set/1-a-collection/", 
    "metadata": null, 
    "publish_to_catalog_services": true, 
    "permissions": "https://{domain}/services/api/v1/sets/1/permissions/", 
    "created_at": "2012-12-19T23:13:26.324Z"
POST /sets/
Create a set

Required fields are:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Either group or user. This should be the ID or URL of the group or user you want to create the set for.

Other notable fields:

  • Items: A list of layers and/or documents specified using their urls. The order of this list will be used when rendering 



Content-Type: application/json


    "title": "a collection", 
    "description": "My favourite layers", 
    "categories": [], 
    "tags": [], 
    "user": 3,
    "items": [

Response 201


Content-Type: application/json
Location: https://{domain}/services/api/v1/sets/123/


    "id": 123,
    "title": "a collection",
    "description": "My favourite layers",
    "description_html": "<p>My favourite layers</p>",
    "categories": [],
    "tags": [],
    "user": {
        "id": 3, 
        "name": "Bob Jones"
    "items": [
    "url": "https://{domain}/services/api/v1/sets/123/",
    "url_html": "https://{domain}/set/123-a-collection/",
    "metadata": null,
    "publish_to_catalog_services": false,
    "permissions": "https://{domain}/services/api/v1/sets/123/permissions/",
    "created_at": "2015-05-12T21:54:21.276Z"

Set drafts

GET /sets/drafts/
List sets in draft state

A filterable list views of set drafts, similar to /sets/. This view shows the draft version of each set. If the most recent version of a set has been published already, it won’t appear here.

All the same filters and ordering from sets/ apply.

Response 200


        "id": 3,
        "title": "Brand New Set",
        "url": "https://{domain}/services/api/v1.x/sets/3/",
        "type": "set",
        "created_at": "2020-05-19T04:25:07.220568Z"
        "id": 4,
        "title": "Other New Set",
        "url": "https://{domain}/services/api/v1.x/sets/4/",
        "type": "set",
        "created_at": "2020-05-19T04:25:07.220568Z"

Set detail

GET /sets/{id}/
Get a set detail

This view displays the published version of a set. To get the latest version, hit /sets/{id}/versions/latest/

Response 200


    "id": 1, 
    "title": "My collection", 
    "description": "a collection of layers", 
    "description_html": "<p>a collection of layers</p>", 
    "categories": [], 
    "tags": [],
    "user": {
        "id": 3, 
        "name": "Bob Jones"
    "items": [
    "url": "https://{domain}/services/api/v1/sets/1/", 
    "url_html": "https://{domain}/set/1-a-collection/", 
    "metadata": null, 
    "publish_to_catalog_services": true, 
    "permissions": "https://{domain}/services/api/v1/sets/1/permissions/", 
    "created_at": "2012-12-19T23:13:26.324Z"

Set versions

GET /sets/{id}/versions/
List set versions

Filterable list views of versions of a specific set, always sorted newest to oldest.

Response 200


        "id": 2,
        "url": "https://{domain}/services/api/v1.x/sets/2/versions/2/",
        "created_at": "2020-05-19T04:25:07.390291Z"
POST /sets/{id}/versions/
Create a set version

Creates a new draft version of  a set, accepting the same content as POST sets/. 


    "id": 2,
    "title": "a collection",
    "url": "https://{domain}/services/api/v1.x/sets/2/",
    "type": "set",
    "created_at": "2020-05-19T04:25:07.220568Z",
    "thumbnail_url": "",
    "description": "My favourite layers",
    "description_html": "<p>My favourite layers</p>",
    "latest_version": "https://{domain}/services/api/v1.x/sets/2/versions/2/",
    "published_version": null,
    "this_version": "https://{domain}/services/api/v1.x/sets/2/versions/2/",
    "categories": [],
    "tags": [],
    "user": {
        "id": 1,
        "first_name": "Bob Jones",
    "url_html": "https://{domain}/set/2/",
    "metadata": null,
    "publish_to_catalog_services": false,
    "active_publish": null,
    "permissions": "https://{domain}/services/api/v1.x/sets/2/permissions/",
    "settings": {
        "lock_title_to_metadata": false,
        "lock_description_to_metadata": false,
        "lock_tags_to_metadata": false
    "items": [
    "version": {
        "id": 2,
        "url": "https://{domain}/services/api/v1.x/sets/2/versions/2/",
        "created_at": "2020-05-19T04:25:07.390291Z"

Response 201


Content-Type: application/json
Location: https://{domain}/services/api/v1/sets/1/versions/2/



Response 409


Content-Type: application/json
Location: https://{domain}/services/api/v1/layers/1/versions/2/


{"error": "There is already a draft version active for this set."}

Set version

GET /sets/{id}/version/{id}/
Get set version

Get the details for a specific set version.

Response 200


    "id": 2,
    "title": "a collection",
    "url": "https://{domain}/services/api/v1.x/sets/2/",
    "type": "set",
    "created_at": "2020-05-19T04:25:07.220568Z",
    "thumbnail_url": "",
    "description": "My favourite layers",
    "description_html": "<p>My favourite layers</p>",
    "latest_version": "https://{domain}/services/api/v1.x/sets/2/versions/2/",
    "published_version": null,
    "this_version": "https://{domain}/services/api/v1.x/sets/2/versions/2/",
    "categories": [],
    "tags": [],
    "user": {
        "id": 1,
        "first_name": "Bob Jones",
    "url_html": "https://{domain}/set/2/",
    "metadata": null,
    "publish_to_catalog_services": false,
    "active_publish": null,
    "permissions": "https://{domain}/services/api/v1.x/sets/2/permissions/",
    "settings": {
        "lock_title_to_metadata": false,
        "lock_description_to_metadata": false,
        "lock_tags_to_metadata": false
    "items": [
    "version": {
        "id": 2,
        "url": "https://{domain}/services/api/v1.x/sets/2/versions/2/",
        "created_at": "2020-05-19T04:25:07.390291Z"
PUT /sets/{id}/version/{id}/
Edit set version

Edits this set version. If the set is already published, a 405 response will be returned. Accepts same fields as GET above, , but ignores the version object.

Response 200


    "id": 2,
    "title": "a collection with updated data",
    "url": "https://{domain}/services/api/v1.x/sets/2/",
    "type": "set",
    "created_at": "2020-05-19T04:25:07.220568Z",
    "thumbnail_url": "",
    "description": "My favourite layers",
    "description_html": "<p>My favourite layers</p>",
    "latest_version": "https://{domain}/services/api/v1.x/sets/2/versions/2/",
    "published_version": null,
    "this_version": "https://{domain}/services/api/v1.x/sets/2/versions/2/",
    "categories": [],
    "tags": [],
    "user": {
        "id": 1,
        "first_name": "Bob Jones",
    "url_html": "https://{domain}/set/2/",
    "metadata": null,
    "publish_to_catalog_services": false,
    "active_publish": null,
    "permissions": "https://{domain}/services/api/v1.x/sets/2/permissions/",
    "settings": {
        "lock_title_to_metadata": false,
        "lock_description_to_metadata": false,
        "lock_tags_to_metadata": false
    "items": [
    "version": {
        "id": 2,
        "url": "https://{domain}/services/api/v1.x/sets/2/versions/2/",
        "created_at": "2020-05-19T04:25:07.390291Z"

Response 405


{"error": "This version isn't a draft."}
DELETE /sets/{id}/version/{id}/
Delete a set version

Deletes this draft version (revert to published).

Response 204


Response 405

{"error": "This version isn't a draft."}

Response 409

{"error": "This version is already deleted."}

Publish set version

POST /sets/{id}/versions/{version}/publish/
Publish set version

Creates a publish task just for this set version

No POST data.

PUT sets/{id}/
Update a set

The following fields are editable (other fields will be ignored):

  • title
  • description
  • categories
  • tags
  • user / group
  • items (note: existing items will be removed if they’re not specified here)



Content-Type: application/json


    "description": "Important Layers"

Response 200


Content-Type: application/json


    "id": 1, 
    "title": "My collection", 
    "description": "Important Layers", 
    "description_html": "<p>Important Layers</p>", 
    "categories": [], 
    "tags": [],
    "user": {
        "id": 3, 
        "name": "Bob Jones"
    "items": [
    "url": "https://{domain}/services/api/v1/sets/1/", 
    "url_html": "https://{domain}/set/1-a-collection/", 
    "metadata": null, 
    "publish_to_catalog_services": true, 
    "permissions": "https://{domain}/services/api/v1/sets/1/permissions/", 
    "created_at": "2012-12-19T23:13:26.324Z"
DELETE /sets/{id}/
Delete a set

Delete this set.

Response 204