File Formats and Data Types

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KML format

KML, or Keyhole Markup Language, is a proprietary file format primarily used in Google Earth applications. KML is used to annotate three dimensional Earth browsers, of which Google Earth is the most widely used.

Raster exports

We 'pyramid' raster exports into KML, which simply means that we export raster data at multiple reduced resolutions. This enables Google Earth and similar applications to display data at multiples resolutions, without the user suffering any reduction in performance. This means that raster exports to KML will not generally be displayed at full quality resolution. 

We do not at present support grid exports into KML. 

Vector exports

Vector attributes are included in your KML export, and will be visible in Google Earth. The colours of each vector layer, as determined in your collection and represented on your map in the Koordinates application, will be carried through into your KML export; these will also be visible in Google Earth. 

Note that, for vector data, exports are limited to 40MB. 


Because KML is used for Earth viewers, there is only one choice of projection: WGS 84. This will be your only option on the Koordinates download screen. 

More about your KML export

Other things to note about your KML download: 

  • We export one KML per layer in your download. 
  • Your download will be in a  .kmz format - which is simply a zipped KML.
  • Metadata will be inserted per layer, inside each KML file. This can be found inside Google Earth by using the 'Info' tab.
  • KML does not support tabular data. If you have tabular data in your collection, it will be filtered out prior to export.