Users and Groups
Add users to a group
Manage bulk permissions per data layer by adding users to a group.
Allow users to request access to a group
Administrators can decide if they want to allow users to request access to a group.
Change the owning Group of a data layer
Learn how to change which Group owns specific data layers on your site.
Create a Group
Groups can be used to manage data and share data with users.
Edit descriptive information for a Group
Learn how to edit the descriptive information for a Group on your Koordinates Data Service.
Export a list of users for your data portal
Download a CSV of the users on your data portal.
Export a list of Group users
Download a CSV of the users of a Group on your Data Service
Find and manage registered users
Find and manage users on your Data Service
Invite new users to your site
Send an invitation for new users to join your site.
Manage permissions on a set
Learn how to change or update the permissions on a set
Set permissions for all users on your data portal
Determine a range of global permissions for all users on your data portal.
Summary of user roles for your data portal
Your data portal has two broad categories of role—Paid Seats, and Users.
Suspend a user from your data portal
Learn how to prevent a user from continuing to use your data portal.
Use Groups to share data privately
Groups can be used to privately share data with colleagues or collaborators.
Understanding user security
Information about user security and user management