Users and Groups

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  2. Users and Groups
  3. Find and manage registered users

Find and manage registered users

Note: User management is only available on our Business and Enterprise plans. 

Find a registered user

1. Select 'Users & Groups' from the top navigation menu

2. Select 'Users'

3. Search for users by name, email, or API key

4. Select 'Filter' to filter by Paid Seats, Site Administrators, or by Group Membership

5. Click name of your chosen user

This will give you a range of options for user management, detailed below.

View a list of exports for a specified user

1. Select 'Options'

2. Click 'Exports'

This will take you to a list of exports for that users.

Make user a Site Administrator 

Simply check the 'Site Administrator' box to give full administration privileges for your Data Service.

This will update the tags next to the Users name.

Add user to a Group

1. Select 'Add to Group'

2. Select a group to which to add your user

3. Select permissions for group membership

You can choose whether a user can:

  • Access Data in your group, including Export and access via applicable APIs
  • Manage Data, including import and edit published datasets
  • Manage Group, including invite users, edit group details and manage group membership.