Connect to a PostgreSQL database
A PostgreSQL database is an open source database system. With a network link, Koordinates is able to connect to designated PostgreSQL databases, search available data and identify data to make available for import on your site. For databases configured with PostGIS (an extension to PostgreSQL that supports geometry), we can also add geospatial data layers.
Note: PostgreSQL imports are only available on the Business and Enterprise plans.
Connect to a PostgreSQL database
1. Select 'Manage' from the top navigation menu
2. Click 'Data Sources' and select 'Configure Sources'
3. Click 'Add a Source' and select 'PostgreSQL'
4. Add connection details
You'll be asked to add:
- Host
- Port
- Database
- Schema (leave this blank to scan every schema)
- Username
- Password
Give your source a meaningful title and choose an Owning Group
Owning Groups are used to categorise and manage permissions on data. Don't worry if you're not sure—you'll be able to change the Owning Group before importing any data into your data service.
5. Click 'Connect'
If correctly configured, your Koordinates Data Service will immediately connect and scan your data source.
Manage your PostgreSQL source
1. Click 'Data Sources' and select 'Configure Sources'
2. Select your source
To locate your source, browse the source list, or add a keyword into the search bar.