Understanding user security
Koordinates provides users with a number of additional security controls. The security status of a user will be displayed to site and group adminsitrators to help deciding who should have access to which resources.
This status is visible in site & group user lists, as well as when adding users to groups and managing group access requests.

A number of badges are displayed in the "Security" column:
3rd Party Auth
Users with this badge have logged in using a 3rd party authentication provider configured by their organisation. For example, this could be a Microsoft Entra ID or Okta identity gateway. The email addresses for these users are owned and controlled by their organisation. The user account can be also be considered as "email verified" for the purposes of managing access.
Koordinates reviews and configures 3rd party authentication providers on behalf of our customers.
See also Okta Integration with Koordinates ID
Email Verified
This badge indicates that we have verified the user's email address by way of a link delivered to that users email inbox. The user has clicked the link and confirmed that the email address is owned (and actively monitored) by the user in question.
See also Verifying your email address
2FA, also known as Multi-Factor Authentication, indicates the user has taken the additional step to configure a 2FA step to protect their logins. The user needs to provide their email and password, as well as a token from a 2FA application on a physical device to access their account.
Note that Koordinates 2FA is not available to users who are accessing Koordinates ID with a 3rd Party Authentication provider.