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Okta Integration with Koordinates ID

Using Okta allow organisation members to sign into Koordinates sites using their organisation directory accounts. 

Koordinates ID Okta integration applies on a per email domain basis, so if it’s enabled for users — all users with an email address will always be sent to Okta to authenticate. 

It is possible to configure multiple domains against the same Okta application.

Okta Application Integration steps

Registrations are done from the Applications section of the Okta portal. Once someone with appropriate permissions is logged in, the setup of the integration is relatively straightforward:

  1. From the Applications list, choose Create a new app integration.

  2. Under Sign-in method select OIDC - OpenID Connect

  3. Under Application type select Web Application.

  4. Click Next to continue.

New Web App Integration

Set the following values, then Save to continue.

App integration name - Koordinates

Logo -

Grant type - Authorization Code should be the only option selected

redirect URIs -

Sign-out redirect URIs -

Trusted Origins Base URIs - (empty) 

Assignments Controlled access - Allow everyone in your organization to access 

Terms of Service URI -

Policy URI -


After everything is saved, Koordinates is going to need the following values to enable the other side of the integration:

  1. General Settings: Okta domain e.g. “”

  2. Client Credentials: Client ID

  3. Client Credentials: Client secret

Please provide the Key in a secure manner:

  • Split across multiple communications channels

  • PGP encrypted message

  • via Signal or WhatsApp as a disappearing message