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Sign up for a Koordinates ID

Koordinates ID is the authentication system for Koordinates powered sites. A Koordinates ID enables you to download data, get an API key and view a range of information about your activity on the site.

1. Select Log In/Sign Up from the top navigation menu

2. Enter your email address

Enter the email address you want to use for your Koordinates ID.

This email address will be used for communications from Koordinates and site publishers (which you can opt out of, if you choose).

3. Enter additional details

Enter your first name, last name, country and enter the password you want associated with your Koordinates ID.

Note that your password must be at least eight characters long. Koordinates will also screen for high-risk passwords, such as variations of ‘Password’ or ‘Koordinates.’

4. Click Sign Up

Finally, click Sign Up to create your Koordinates ID. You will be returned to your Koordinates-powered site, and will receive an email confirming that your Koordinates ID account has been created.