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  3. Create and edit a catalogue entry

Create and edit a catalogue entry

If you have data stored in another system, but still wish to allow it to be featured on, you can add a catalogue entry.

A catalogue entry is simply a list of basic information about your data, including an optional URL to its location in an external system.


Select Add Data Source

You can create a catalogue entry by clicking Add on the main menu on the left of your screen, and then clicking Add Data Source.


Add information about your catalogue entry

After you click Add Data Source, you will see a pop-up screen with a range of fields. Populate these fields with information about your data source, including:

Name: The title of your catalogue entry.

Owner: The group which takes responsibility for the dataset on your Koordinates site.

License: The license under which the entry is made available, if any.

Description: A short description of the dentry, to help users understand the data.

URL: A URL to access the data.

Category: Choose from existing categories on the site.

Tags: Add tags to make your entry easier to find.


Create your catalogue entry

Click Create to save the new entry. Note that your new entry will include a link to the resource if a URL is supplied.


Select Edit for your catalogue entry

Locate the existing catalogue entry you wish to edit and click on the settings tab - that’s the small grey stripe

Select Edit from the menu.


Edit catalogue entry details

After selecting Edit, a pop-up window will enable you to edit the details of your chosen catalogue entry. These will be the same as are listed in 2., above.


Add metadata

Select the Metadata tab to add metadata on your catalogue entry.


Add to catalogue service

Select Services to add your catalogue entry to an existing catalogue service.


Edit permissions

Select Permissions in the top right to edit the permissions on your catalogue entry. To learn more about permissions on Koordinates site, read our guide.