Analytics reports offered by Koordinates
From your overview screen, you can access a range of detailed analytics reports. These reports are a series of tables and charts that outline how users are interacting with and using your data.
To find these reports, select Analytics in the main menu to the left of your screen for a menu of options. We’ll go through them one by one.
Data Popularity
The Data Popularity report will provide a table that breaks down the popularity of each of your datasets according to a few basic categories. The first five categories - rank, name, type, kind and ID - provide basic information about your dataset, as do the final two categories - group and date of creation.
Moving across the right of your screen, the remaining categories tell you, for each of your datasets, the number of:
- views received;
- ‘adds’ to the map;
- downloads;
- download size;
- tile requests, and tile requests via WMTS/API;
- spatial queries, and spatial queries via API; and,
- table queries, and table queries via API.
Depending on the nature of your Koordinates site, you may also be given the number of:
- WFS queries; and,
- WFS response size.
Document Popularity
The Document Popularity report provides, for each document, the numbers of views and downloads, as well as the total download size.
Other categories in the table provide basic metadata for the document, including title, kind (ZIP, for example), ID number, group to which the document belongs, and date the document was created.
Set Popularity
Similar to the Data and Document Popularity reports, the Set Popularity report provides, for each set made from your Koordinates site, the numbers of:
- views;
- views via shortlink;
- adds;
- downloads;
- tile requests, and tile requests via Tile Requests via WMTS/API; and,
- spatial queries, and spatial queries via API.
User Ranking
The User Ranking reports provides a list of the most active users on your Koordinates site, in relation to the categories listed in ‘Data Popularity,’ above. These include: views; adds; downloads; download size; tile requests; spatial queries, and spatial queries via API; table queries, and table queries via API.
Email Domain Ranking
Similar to the User Ranking Report, the Email Domain Ranking report provides a list of the most active domain name users on your site. This provides an indication of the most active organisational users of your Koordinates site.
As with the User Ranking report, the Email Domain Ranking report is broken down by a range of categories, including: views; adds; downloads; download size; tile requests; spatial queries, and spatial queries via API; table queries, and table queries via API.
The Downloads report provides the number of downloads from your Koordinates site, presented in a line graph.
APIs and Web Services
The APIs and Web Services report provides the number of API and web service queries and the number of API keys created, both presented in a line graph.
Tile Usage
The Tile Usage report provides the number of tile queries, presented in a line graph.
Unique Users
The Unique Users report provides the number of unique visitors to the site who are downloading data, presented in a line graph. Note that this report does not cover all unique visitors, but merely those that download data from your Koordinates site.
Data Availability
The Data Availability report provides the number and total size of data layers or tables available on the site, presented in two line graphs.
Data Storage
The Data Storage analytics report comes in two parts. The first part, at the top of the report, provides a summary of storage usage for a three different types of data: vector and tabular data; raster and grid data; and, finally, document and attachment data, broken down by file type.
By default, the report will show current storage usage, though you can also access historical storage usage data by selecting the calendar tab in the top right of the screen.
Note that the data provided in the report is a snapshot of data storage used on that specific day.
The second part of the report provides a forecast for your data storage used on your Koordinates site. This section using your historical data storage trends to predict your future storage needs.
Using the drop-down menu, you can change what kind of data is represented in your data storage forecast.
This menu will give you the option to decide:
- how far into the future the forecast is projected
- how much historical data should contribute to the forecast
- when the forecast should end (for example, you may wish base your forecast on the end of your financial cycle).
Access Channels by User
The default report will display: a list of users; each user's respective email address; and the number of requests from each user for all monitored services provided on your Koordinates site.
By clicking the 'Requests' tab, you can sort your results by most or least active user.
Filters (Group and User)
Below the list of reports, you can click on the From Group option to filter your analytics reports according to various groups on your Koordinates site.
Similarly, you can click on ‘From Users’ to filter your analytics reports according to various categories of user. You may, for example, choose to exclude staff from your organisation from the user analytics reports.
Follow this help document to access and review site reports.