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Pinned Data

Are other organisations' datasets important to your work? Pin their data to your portal so your users find it quicker. Similar to a desktop shortcut, instead of cloning or replicating the data, you are providing a ‘link’ to the data from within your own portal.

1. Locate data

From the Data Browser search for a dataset of interest. Click on the Data Card to open the Data Sheet.

2. Select 'Pin Data'

From the cog in the top right corner of the Data Sheet, select Pin Data.

3. Select 'Pin'

4. Data will appear in Portal-restricted search.

If a user is searching for data within your company’s portal, the pinned data will now appear.

Note: The pinned data remains under the ownership of the original publisher. You must adhere to any existing license requirements. For more information on Licensing, refer to Finding License Information 

  • Costs associated with storage will remain the responsibility of the owner. 
  • Usage costs (such as Exporting etc.) are allocated to your portal billing.